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Welcome to the developers tutorials!

In here you will find everything that you need to start developing plug-ins for OptFlux.

First things first!

OptFlux is built on top of AIBench meaning that OptFlux itself is no more than set of plug-ins for the AIBench framework.

The AIBench Framework is a joint project by colleagues at University of Vigo and ourselves. You can find specific contacts and documentation for AIBench at its own website and publication.

This AIBench sections of this documentation are partially based on the one found in the AIBench website.

OptFlux is being developed using Eclipse IDE. We recommend using Eclipse to create your own plug-ins since we already provide ready-to-go classpath and project configurations for this IDE. You are, however, free to develop in any IDE you see fit. Please contact us if you are willing to provide a tutorial on how to get things going in any other IDE. We would very much appreciate that :)

You can download Eclipse here. We recommend version 3.5.* or above.

Getting the code

The code of OptFlux can be obtained either in specific versions format or, alternatively, directly from the SVN server located at sourceforge.

From version packages

Starting at version 2.3, you can download a "ready-to-go" eclipse configuration of OptFlux.

This will allow you to import this project into Eclipse and start developing new plug-ins with very little effort.

Version specific source code distributions can be found here.

Latest version from Sourceforge SVN

Pre-requisites (Eclipse IDE)

If you are behind a proxy, please note that some extra-configuration of subversion may be required:

  • You will need to edit the servers file and modify it accordingly
    • In Unix/BSD based systems (Linux, Mac OS X) you can usually find it under your home directory ~/.subversion/servers
    • In Windows systems it is usually in your user specific folder %APPDATA%\Subversion\servers
# http-proxy-exceptions = *,
# http-proxy-host =
# http-proxy-port = 7000
# http-proxy-username = defaultusername
# http-proxy-password = defaultpassword
# http-compression = no
# No http-timeout, so just use the builtin default.
# No neon-debug-mask, so neon debugging is disabled.
# ssl-authority-files = /path/to/CAcert.pem;/path/to/CAcert2.pem
http-proxy-exceptions = *
http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 8080
http-proxy-username = myuserid
http-proxy-password = mypassword

Configuring Eclipse for your architecture (Win32, Unix, MacOSX - ia64)

OptFlux Architecture

Version 2.3 (first fully open version of OptFlux) is composed of six main plug-ins all of which are distributed by default in the downloadable archives of OptFlux. Some extra plug-ins are also distributed in the main version although they are not part of what we call "the core".

This six plug-ins are the following:

  • optflux.core - the core datatypes, viewers and operations to load/export and interact with models in several formats
  • optflux.simulation - simulation related datatypes, operations and views. Wild-type, Gene and Reaction KO. (FBA, MOMA, ROOM, FVA, etc...)
  • optflux.optimization - optimization specific datatypes, operations and views (Gene and Reaction KO optimization)
  • optflux.biovisualizer - our own visualizer for biochemical networks. Support for CellDesigner layouts
  • optflux.saveloadquit - just a save / load / quit project dedicated plug-in. Datatype agnostic as long as data is serializable.
  • optflux.extraviewers - some extra viewers that we decided to include in the core release.

AIBench specifics

AIBench is a lightweight, non-intrusive, MVC-based Java application framework that eases the connection, execution and integration of operations with well-defined input/output. This basic idea provides a powerful programming model to fast develop applications given that:

  • The logic can be decoupled from the user interface.
  • The interconnection of operations can also be decoupled based in the idea of "experiments".
  • The programmer is forced to "think-before-programming", easing the code reuse.


The AIBench platform was conceived to facilitate the development of a wide range of applications based on generic input-process-output cycles where the framework acts as the glue between each task. The framework manages three key concepts that are constant in every AIBench application: operations, data-types and views that realize the MVC design pattern. The developer only needs to focus on how to separate and structure the problem specific code into objects of these three entities. The framework will carry out the rest of the work to generate a completely executable final application, including:

  • Automatic generation of a GUI, where the user is allowed to select and execute the implemented functionality;
  • Automatically retrieving the user parameters of a given operation when needed. These parameters could be both primitive values (numbers, strings, booleans) or any complex data-type previously created by an operation;
  • Executing operations, gathering the results and keeping them available in a shared area for further use;
  • Displaying the results through custom or default views (AIBench pack- ages with two default views for data-types);
  • Keeping track of all the operations executed together with the information needed to repeat the same (or modified) workflow in the future (history, logging and script generation capabilities).

Programming over AIBench is a lightweight task, since it makes use of Java Annotations, thus easily enforcing the MVC model upon the programmers.

Operation Model:

An AIBench operation is a simple Java class with some annotations that define its INPUT/OUTPUT. For example:

Aibench ports.png

With these annotations (plus a plug-in descriptor), AIBench knows everything it needs to:

  • Deploy these operations in menus.
  • Generate input dialogs to invoke them.
  • Save the results to give the possibility to forward them to other operations.

Users/programmers can define their own data-types as the INPUT/OUTPUT of their operations (in-memory representation of data, trained neural networks, results, etc). Of course, the data-types don’t need to inherit from/implement anything. These data-types are specific of the desired domain, and AIBench only keeps track of them to give you the possibility to forward them from the output of an operation to the input of another. This is achieved by the clipboard mechanism.

Plug-in Architecture:

The AIBench framework is powered by a versatile plug-in engine. This plug-in engine is ready to accept modification at several levels:

    • CORE: Manages the operations, invoking them and keeping track of their results and invocation history.
    • WORKBENCH: Implements a Swing based GUI and is responsible of the dynamic generation of input dialogs.
  • OPERATIONS PROGRAMMER - OptFlux plug-ins will be developed at this level :
    • PERSONAL PLUGINS: Here you put your operations, classes of your data-types and custom views. This is the level where the OptFlux plug-ins are developed. In fact, the entire OptFlux workbench is nothing more than a very powerful set of AIBench plug-ins.

Aibench plug.png

Operations in OptFlux

The Datatypes of OptFlux

Views in OptFlux

Your first basic plug-in

Follow Developers_First_Plugin this link!

Deployment and versioning

How To's

Accessing data from the clipboard

Performing a simulation and retrieving results

Creating a tabular view for your data

Performing an Optimization Procedure

Invoking other operations from your own

Adding results from your operation to the Clipboard

Developing your own GUI for an Operation