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Indian flood effort struggling to stop water reaching the shores of the village on Tuesday. (PTI Photo)

The Uttarakhand government has come under fire for its failure to tackle the rising waters along its flood-hit eastern coast, as thousands of people fled their homes in the past 24 hours amid rising waters.

A massive landslide, also known as a Ganga, hit Bhuj, the main river in the region that flows into the Bay of Bengal and also houses thousands of displaced people.

"The water came and came, then we were forced to move out of here. It was all about saving people from the inundation of water in the Bay of Bengal. Many people who are staying in one place are going to move on," resident Sunil Kumar told AFP, adding there was no water to sell in the village after the landslide.

The Uttarakhand government in a statement released on Monday blamed an "act of God" for the incident.

The disaster has claimed more than 200 lives since it began late on Monday when a massive landslide engulfed parts of Bhuj near the village of Lalichapuram, leaving several people dead.

State officials say more than 2 million houses and 40,000 villages have been destroyed due to the calamity, as much as one in every three homes has suffered severe damage.

But on Tuesday, officials blamed floods on "unknown forces." Some villagers have been complaining that the government is not providing adequate assistance and is not even taking action on reports of deaths in villages downstream from the landslide.

"We are suffering without knowing what is happening here. There are no water pumps or drains. We are at a standstill because people are still stuck," said a witness who was leaving the town as the rain continued to pour down.

The disaster has highlighted the need for better coordination between various state agencies, particularly as many areas in the Bay of Bengal are on the brink of becoming submerged as water rushes up from the Bay and moves into other rivers to form powerful, tributaries.

"As of today, Bhuj lies on a level with the eastern section of the Bay. The water flow along this section has created a grave danger to people who have to move on," state department of water resources (DWR) chairman Sudhir Gupta said.

"The level of the river has already made our lives very difficult. We will ensure that the situation does not get much worse," he said. <a href=>온라인카지노</a> <a href=>바카라</a>

Cyd charisse dies aged 86

Her death was not publicised until June 2009, according to a press release sent out by his daughter.

It was in a 2009 interview with the German magazine "Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftswoche" that said: "One of my friends told me that Cyd passed away in June 2008, at 86 years of age. He had become very ill and it is not yet clear how."

His daughter is now claiming that the family died after he had been taken ill at a hotel in London and not at the hospital where he was taken for treatment.

She claimed she had read the press release online and had believed it to be true, but then found out that in fact she knew nothing.

She said: "The family has been living under a great amount of stress in London. I am not so much surprised about this as disappointed that everything I thought was true has turned out to be false. I did not believe it until then, but I am not surprised at all."

She added: "The family has received no money from Cyd's estate and, until recently, Cyd lived the way he did throughout his life.

"He was an active member of the local party and, therefore, my father should not be so closely associated with it."