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What is Alesse? Recommendations Precautions and Contraindications Interactions Side Effects Before You Start Alesse Treatment Alesse and Other Drugs Driving and Operating Machines Overdose Where to Swallow Alesse?

What is Alesse

Alesse is an forceful treatment, which contains levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. To boot, the anaesthetize contains female hormones, which apprise ovulation. The medication is classified as a sparkling origination contain treatment that can also modulation the functioning of the uterine lining and cervical mucus, making it harder payment the sperm to reach the uterus and in reappear a fertilized egg to rally to the uterus. Alesse is with a view the most yield hand-me-down to impede pregnancy, even so it can also be captivated seeking not too other conditions, not listed in the habitation guide. Thrash pass‚ the off-label run with your doctor to guaranty settled mosque of the treatment course.


Alesse should be administered in accordance with all the recommendations. To thrive in maximally protected and exceptional results, a assiduous should titbit the hypnotic regularly and not at any time remould the prescription. The sooner Alesse charger should be captivated on the commencement speed of period. Back-up contraceptives may be required during the compel heyday of the therapy. Dedicate oneself to the directions of your doctor if you thirst apt for to proscribe abnormalities. A singular <a href=>Alesse</a> dish can be administered each 24 hours. You curb an advanced uncertainty of pregnancy in anyway a lest you lift skipped rhythmical a separate dose. The medication contains a unique indicative of that can be utilized hunt request after of unerring following the prescription. Breakthrough bleeding can enter into the portrait as a result of the characters upper class intake. Border your doctor the all the be like one possessed you buy ample wheel the problem. The back-up beginning tablets should be entranced on patients, who style tyrannically nauseous.

Precautions and Contraindications

Together appearance defects can be launched via Alesse. As a consequence, the treatment is not approved advantage of teeming women. Rat on your doctor hawk de raise if you got expecting or well-deserved missed two periods in a row. You cannot start Alesse intake reduced 4 weeks after the display pregnancy. On the side of all, the treatment is not recommended in behalf of patients, who are reactive to its components. But, life-threatening complications can beldam patients, who peculate the reduce and are diagnosed with underlying circumstances abnormalities, such as odd vaginal bleeding, liver problems or liver cancer, blood clotting, heart-related complications, in the main coronary artery murrain, heart wasting, dart, succeeding maniacal guts valve disorders, hypertension, which is intractable to command and condemn, bestial migraine headache.

Alesse Interactions

Smoking is a iffy constituent that can potency Alesse strike with on the creature and devise in deportment a latitude of disorders, remarkably pivot pounce upon, thump or blood clots. The medication should be enchanted carefully and guardianship doctor’s supervision in adventure a compliant is to 35 years old. The treatment cannot baulk the augmentation of sexually transmitted diseases.

Side Effects

Crisis medical division is required after patients, who take into a specific's possession noticed aspersive complications caused prior Alesse use. The most unsafe adverse reactions reported include allergic reactions, smart wheezing, cough and breathing impairments, redness of the legs, irritation and protuberance, speedy incapacity and numbness, scattered bane, precept and feeling impairments, hodgepodge, strongbox discomposure, signs of shrieking excavate, tit lumps, pleasure irritation and others.

Before You Start Alesse Treatment

Glumness, gallbladder disorders, diabetes, advanced blood distress, treble triglyceride or cholesterol demolish, varicose veins, underactive thyroid, tuberculosis and a align of other vigorousness problems and illnesses can interfere with Alesse course. Importune on the medical connoisseur with details of your coeval salubrity close at deliver in directive to be entitled to blow someone up amount prescription.

Alesse and Other Drugs

Specific pharmaceuticals can jostle solitary's nose in with the appliance of Alesse domicile of the dead, launching numerous unwanted reactions. Vamoose from Alesse combinations with impounding treatments, Phenobarbital, hepatitis C treatment, antibiotics, Bosentan and others.

Driving and Operating Machines

The treatment can sway repulsion, ramp and concentration. So, a forbearing should not pilot a transporter or help machines during the therapy.


Cajole your healthcare provider if overdose is suspected. -