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How to make money on cashback services: interesting ways and how much you can earn on cashback
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Cashback services appeared relatively recently, but already managed to become one of the ways to save money on purchases on the Internet. I experimented with many services and chose one that I have been using for many years.
Cashback - the return of the cash for the purchase. You buy, and you return 5 - 30%.
Cashback was originally conceived as saving your own money. But with it you can also earn. Let's look at how to make money on cashback services, which sites you can use and how to do it correctly.
How to earn cashback
Cashback is a rather interesting way to really save money on purchases on the Internet. You can earn it in two ways:
Take advantage of special services.
Pay with cashback card.
Services live due to the fact that they receive a percentage of each attracted customer. And in order not to engage in additional advertising, they simply share part of the profits with their visitors. This mutually beneficial cooperation. The portal earns, and you save on purchases on the Internet.
Cashback cash cards also benefit the credit institutions themselves. Firstly, they increase the loyalty of the audience to all products, and secondly, the irreducible balance on the card is used to finance additional operations of a credit institution. That is, for your money someone give out a loan.
There are four working options for making money on cashback services.
Affiliate program. Almost every service has its own affiliate program. It allows you to attract new customers with minimal advertising costs. The essence of earnings in the following: you register with the service, get a referral link, and everyone who clicks the link and orders the goods will bring you a small percentage.
This way of earning is good for those who can reach a large audience. You can collect clients by a thematic group in social networks, a channel on Youtube, paid advertising. Any of these options would be beneficial if used properly. The more people follow the link and order, the more your earnings.
Mediation. You buy goods in foreign online stores, and take cashback yourself. It is suitable if there are people in your community who would like to order online, but do not know how or do not want to bother with information.
You can't earn much in this way, since the number of such people in the environment is limited. But you can go to a small plus. Offer people to order on the Internet, share links to products, and when they want to pay, offer them to save, and some of the money will be in your pocket.
Scrolling borrowed funds. This is a semi-legal way to get money. Some services pay a percentage for each loan and loan taken. That is, you can take a loan, get cashback for it, and then just instantly pay it. In the end, after a couple of loans you will ruin your account, but you will get a plus.
You can earn a few thousand dollars this way. But here you need to calculate the amount of interest and carefully read the rules. There are often situations when ignorant people had to pay a small fine or cashback amount was returned to the service immediately after the loan was returned.
Creating your own service. The most commonplace way to make money on cashbacks. Services get paid for attracting customers to the store. If desired, having 1 - 2 thousand dollars, you can create your own portal, start actively promoting it and receive money from satisfied customers.
This way of earning is best considered when you already have experience in business management. Plus, large niches are already occupied, so you have to negotiate with the average stores. But if you want, you can get a net profit of a thousand dollars a month.
Bonus: there is a small way to significantly save on purchases in some stores. Some retailers have a fixed amount of cashback, which is paid with a minimum order. At one time, the company Letual had a refund of 160 - 220 dollars with a minimum of 320. That is, we receive the goods for 100 - 160 dollars at a price of 320 dollars.
Earnings on cashback services is a pretty serious business if you have a good audience or active promotion channels. Look for good deals and services, attract people and earn money on it.
Earnings on cashback is a really interesting way to make a profit on the Internet. Its undoubted plus is that it is a white method. It allows people to save money, and you get a cash reward for it.

Latest revision as of 20:03, 2 February 2021

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